A mini-trip into Toronto. While it is approximately 2,300 kilometres from the actual centre of Canada, it's still a fine place to travel 160kph on the highways.

All of the pictures below can be seen in full by clicking on them. My condolences to those with low-speed connections. There is simply no other way to give you a full effect. Death to dialup! Long live the broadband!

This is a picture taken outside the BCE building. As you will see in subsequent pictures, there are a LOT of opportunities for pictures in this architectural wonder.

Clearly, lighting is a must; and in this area located just outside the building, there are copious amounts of lamps spotting the resting area, already adorned with seating and grass that would make a grazing field jealous. This is right downtown.

Looking up from the aesthetic supports, one gains a new perspective. The architects must have had a field day creating this imposing structure.

Anyone who thinks Toronto is naught but skyscrapers that are grim and forbidding, there are all sorts of neighbourhoods that branch off from streets very much like this one. Here's something funny: walking down these streets, one is met with all sorts of clickings noises. At first, they may be easily dismissed as sounds from animals of some sort. Soon enough, a lack of pattern is noticed and, upon closer inspection, it is realised that these are not noises of animals, but mechanical switches for the phone system coming from every house. Holy 1800s, Batman!

Stopping in at a coffee shop in the Beaches area, we were served a candle with our tea. They weren't edible, mind you. Mmmm....edible candle wax.

While they may have some neighbourhoods with older communications technology, Toronto is clearly keeping up in the beverage department. I've only HEARD of people experimenting with nuclear lemonade, but it looks like Toronto has perfected it already! You can laugh, but we'll beat them to the fusion chili.

This may look like a space-age church organ, but, in fact, it is a fountain.

Eaton Centre is a very nice mall with shops that have fresh fruit, freshly made fruit juices, most excellent skylighting AND ESCAPED CANADIAN GEESE FROM HELL. No, really, these are just ornamentation. The flock of geese were suspended with wire. Every one of them is in a slightly different position. Beautiful addition to the mall.

I debated using black and white for this shot, but it occurred to me that the sky acts as a perfect backdrop. The black and white would have made this seem more 2-dimensional than a colour backdrop would allow. This was a weekend where the Formula 1 car racing series was taking place.

What's a flight without a picture of clouds? There can be difficulty in capturing dimensions with pictures, particularly with landmarks so far away. This army of clouds helps out in creating the dimension I was hoping to achieve.